Friday, October 3, 2014

In three months.....

Three things I hope to learn in the next three months to make me a better writer are....

Hard work every day but it will be worth the effort. If it seems impossible, there are ways I can work to improve that. I never think there is a perfect writer. A perfect writer does not exist. I think, I've grown tremendously as a writer over the last couple of years, but it has been a painful journey.

I have heard many times that tidy, concise, and easy readings are the pluses for readers. Long, complex, and wordy are just unclear. The less words or wordiness I add into my writings, the less interest I have had in readers. I need to simply write less words but in a clearer way. I will continue to make sub-points and take extra time so that I stay focused and on track.

I know how tough this one is, I start with only a few topics but end up snowballing myself to the point where I just do not make sense anymore. I back track and try to explain in an un-orderly fashion. My basic main point then becomes cloudy and unclear.

I am new to blogging and social media in general and never felt I had a use for it. Instantly, I have learned that it is imperative that I learn and learn quickly. Each week I write in my blog gives me more experience on writing. I am starting to enjoy writing and with practice I will tighten up my writing skills. 

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