Friday, October 3, 2014

Internal Communications at Dell

At Dell, internal communications are taking a strong hold within the employee’s everyday life style. Internal communications such as; LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has helped employees connect with their co-workers.
The intent that Dell has for their employees is not about sharing ideas but rather character building to share company thoughts and opinions internally.
“You do not have to reinvent the social media wheel to do it, nor must you compromise data security. At Dell, for example, we use Salesforce’s Chatter, a collaboration tool that enables internal social networking. It delivers the familiar look and feel of sites like Facebook or Twitter to enterprise customers on a secure platform,” Exclaims Dell.
In this comment, management is speaking about employee’s being more productive and interacts more frequently. When you have offices all around the world what better way to interact with other peers.
CEO Michael Dell is an active participant which is engaging to his employees. The internal communications software at Dell allows employees to see updates on people, projects, and share files immediately.

Dell speaks loud about treating employees just as you would a customer. “Don’t neglect them when you consider your social media strategy. Whether your goal is to enhance productivity, spread company news, strengthen the culture, or all three, you don’t have to compromise the security of sensitive company information to use social media to accomplish it,” well said Dell.

In three months.....

Three things I hope to learn in the next three months to make me a better writer are....

Hard work every day but it will be worth the effort. If it seems impossible, there are ways I can work to improve that. I never think there is a perfect writer. A perfect writer does not exist. I think, I've grown tremendously as a writer over the last couple of years, but it has been a painful journey.

I have heard many times that tidy, concise, and easy readings are the pluses for readers. Long, complex, and wordy are just unclear. The less words or wordiness I add into my writings, the less interest I have had in readers. I need to simply write less words but in a clearer way. I will continue to make sub-points and take extra time so that I stay focused and on track.

I know how tough this one is, I start with only a few topics but end up snowballing myself to the point where I just do not make sense anymore. I back track and try to explain in an un-orderly fashion. My basic main point then becomes cloudy and unclear.

I am new to blogging and social media in general and never felt I had a use for it. Instantly, I have learned that it is imperative that I learn and learn quickly. Each week I write in my blog gives me more experience on writing. I am starting to enjoy writing and with practice I will tighten up my writing skills. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chef Gordon Ramsay

Chef Gordon Ramsay

Aged 50+, angry all the time, never smiles, loves to teach about food, helps others maintain a sustainable restaurant, hates quitters, dislikes chefs/restaurant owners who don't put the customer first, throws things out of the kitchen when teaching students/restaurant owners, very verbal (the F-word is his choice and uses it a lot)

Chef Gordon Ramsay is a high quality Chef that lives and works in New York City as well as England. Chef Ramsay loves to teach students about cooking techniques and how to be a great cook; he also helps out restaurant owners to revamp their restaurants into fully functional high end quality restaurants. Among the many restaurants that Ramsay owns including the one in Montreal, Quebec which just closed last year, he is also one of the International Culinary Panel consultants for Singapore Airlines.
Ramsay also is in a partnership with football player David Beckham. Both have recently opened a Café in London, UK. The restaurant serves Italian cuisine with a revolving menu daily.
Not only does Ramsay have restaurants and TV shows like Hotel Hell (a spin off from Kitchen Nightmares), and several guest appearances, he also is producing a drama called The Inferno.

Check out Top Gear as Chef Gordon Ramsay impresses the audience with his lap time.

Not to be confused with the American actor Gordon Ramsey.